... with Him Podcast
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30 Message paraphrase)
Join Dr. Jamie Moore and Paul Rasmussen as they discuss this promise with guests from all walks of life in an effort to learn how to live freely and lightly.
37 episodes
S2E12 Making Golf Clubs (John Solheim) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with golf legend John A. Solheim co-owner of PING and Karsten golf. Join Dr. J and Raz as they hear stories of God's sovereignty in taking a small start up in a garage to a billion doll...
Season 2
Episode 12

S2E11 How to Find Your Purpose and Identity with Jesus!
In this episode Raz and Jamie discuss the practical steps to discovering your purpose and identity in Christ! We all have a "Big P" purpose to love God, love others, and make disciples; but what about our unique "little p" purposes? How do we d...
Season 2
Episode 11

S2E10 Breaking Strongholds with Jesus!
In this episode Raz and Jamie discuss the subject of getting free from generational strongholds and sin patterns that cause people to get stuck in their life. Resources mentioned:"A More Excellent Way" by Dr. Henry Wright:
Season 2
Episode 10

S2E9 Seek First (Ann Thompson) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down, again, with Ann Thompson (a serial entrepreneur, podcast host, and leadership coach) to talk about how to SEEK FIRST the Kingdom of God in all areas of your life. Don't miss this practical and inspiring episode!...
Season 2
Episode 9

S2E8 Faith-Driven Leadership (Ann Thompson) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with Ann Thompson (a serial entrepreneur, podcast host, and leadership coach) to talk about her life with Jesus, receiving identity from God the Father, and leading as a faith-driven entrepreneur! You don't want to m...
Season 2
Episode 8

S1E12 Financial Planning (Jacki Purcell) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down, again, with Jacki Purcell (a mom, business owner, and financial planner) to talk about her calling as a Marketplace Minister to clients and employees through her business, Purcell Financial. Listen in as we discover...
Season 1
Episode 12

S1E11 Working Mom (Jacki Purcell) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with Jacki Purcell (a mom, business owner, and financial planner) to talk about following Jesus, learning to hear His voice, and learning her true identity as a beloved daughter of the King!To subscribe to th...
Season 1
Episode 11

S2E7 The Journey of a Jewish Hippie (John Myers) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with John Myers (a former hippie turned believer, banker, and pastor) to talk about his life with Jesus, including how he came to faith in Yeshua as a Jewish man, and is learning - even today - how to trust in God th...
Season 2
Episode 7

S2E6 Sabbatical (Paul Raz) with Jesus!
In this episode Raz and Jamie discuss Paul's latest sabbatical and some of the things he's learned and is learning about legacy and making space for Jesus!Resource mentioned:"Practicing the Way" by John Mark Comer:
Season 2
Episode 6

S2E5 Seeking the Kingdom with Jesus!
In this episode Raz and Jamie discuss Jesus' command to "seek first the kingdom of God" from Matthew 6:33, and the implications of obeying this command in ALL areas of life, including our "Monday to Saturday."Please Subscribe to the "Wi...
Season 2
Episode 5

S2E4 Investigative Journalism, Part Two (Ben Swann) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down, again, with Ben Swann (a journalist and news anchor) to continue our conversation about his life with Jesus!Please Subscribe to the "With Him" Podcast email list:
Season 2
Episode 4

S2E3 Investigative Journalism, Part One (Ben Swann) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with Ben Swann (a journalist and news anchor) to talk about his life with Jesus, including how he stumbled into news anchoring and journalism!Please Subscribe to the "With Him" Podcast email list:
Season 2
Episode 3

S2E2 Emotions (Jess Wong) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with Jess Wong (a professional counselor and therapist) to talk about what it looks like to do emotions WITH Jesus, and how friendship with Jesus is the key to healing our emotions!Resource mentioned:"The...
Season 2
Episode 2

S2E1 Mental Health (Mariel Curtis) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with our good friend, Mariel (Beausejour) Curtis, to talk about living life as a "pastor's kid" and what she's learned about navigating her mental health journey WITH Jesus!Ministry resource mentioned: Eighte...
Season 2
Episode 1

S1E24 New Year’s Resolutions with Jesus!
**Special New Year's Eve Episode**In this special episode Raz and Jamie discuss the painful truth about New Year's Resolutions and explore why they seem to fail so often. Enjoy this thought-provoking and practical episode, as we reflect on ...
Season 1
Episode 24

S1E23 Emmanuel: God “WITH” Us!
**Special Christmas Eve Episode**In this special episode Raz and Jamie discuss the amazing truth about Christmas - that God would come as a baby, and His name would be Emmanuel: God WITH Us! Enjoy the conversation and have a very, merry Chr...
Season 1
Episode 23

S1E22 Serving Prostitutes (Lynn Woods) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with Lynn Woods (a chaplain with the Lord's Gym, and director of the S.T.O.R.M. bus) to talk about serving and ministering to individuals caught in addiction, sex trafficking, and prostitution through the S.T.O.R.M (...
Season 1
Episode 22

S1E21 Failure, Impulsiveness, and Coffee (James Lenhoff) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down, again, with James Lenhoff (a local church elder, entrepreneur, and financial advisor) to talk about leadership, entrepreneurship, failure, ministry, and coffee!James' book, which outlines the wisdom lessons ...
Season 1
Episode 21

S1E20 No Regrets (James Lenhoff) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with James Lenhoff (a local church elder, entrepreneur, and financial advisor) to talk about the wisdom he's learned about living a life with no regrets, based on nearly 20 years of advising clients in wealth managem...
Season 1
Episode 20

S1E19 Pastoral Transition (Denis Beausejour) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down, again, with Denis Beausejour (author, pastor, and former P&G Vice President of Advertising) to talk about the pastoral transition from Denis to Jamie at Mariemont Church. Listen in as Denis shares behind the sce...
Season 1
Episode 19

S1E18 International Marketing (Denis Beausejour) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with Denis Beausejour (author, pastor, and former P&G Vice President of Advertising) to talk about his book: "The Biggest Idea Ever: Trade Anxiety, Fear, and Burnout, for Peace, Purpose, and Significance."
Season 1
Episode 18

S1E17 3-Legged Sack Race with Jesus!
In this episode Raz and Jamie discuss Jesus' teaching about being "yoked" to Him, from Matthew 11:28-30. Listen in as they picture what this might look like in real life and use the analogy of a "3-Legged Sack Race" with Jesus! Enjoy this pract...
Season 1
Episode 17

S1E16 Life After Heaven (Steve Musick) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down with Steve Musick (a life coach and former Navy SEAL) to talk about the time he died, went to Heaven, and heard Jesus say, "you can't stay." Listen in on this incredible story and the call to bring heaven to earth to...
Season 1
Episode 16

S1E15 Running a Business (Matt Heinbaugh) with Jesus!
| In this episode we sit down with Matt Heinbaugh (an entrepreneur, business owner, and Kingdom trainer) to talk about running a business with Jesus and learning to bring the Kingdom of God into every aspect of your life. Please Su...
Season 1
Episode 15

S1E14 Supernatural Training (Rusty Geverdt) with Jesus!
In this episode we sit down, again, with Rusty Geverdt (a pastor, author, and Kingdom trainer) to talk about his experience of living a "Naturally Supernatural" life with Jesus and about his training and equipping ministry to help others do the...
Season 1
Episode 14