... with Him Podcast

S2E11 How to Find Your Purpose and Identity with Jesus!

Jamie Moore & Paul Rasmussen Season 2 Episode 11

In this episode Raz and Jamie discuss the practical steps to discovering your purpose and identity in Christ! We all have a "Big P" purpose to love God, love others, and make disciples; but what about our unique "little p" purposes? How do we discover the unique way the Father has created us?

Resources mentioned:
Book: "J. Hudson Taylor: An Autobiography": https://www.amazon.com/dp/1773236717/
The Journey Weekend (2-day event) by EMI (Equipping Ministries International): https://www.equippingministries.org/courses/journey
The Purpose Promise: https://purposepromise.org

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Check out the "With Him" Podcast website: https://www.mariemontchurch.org/with-him-podcast

Contact info and resources from Raz and Jamie:
Email: razwithhim@gmail.com
Raz and Jamie's church (Mariemont Church, Cincinnati, OH): https://www.mariemontchurch.org
Jamie's website: https://www.jamiemoore.org
Jamie's book, "Friendship with God": https://www.amazon.com/dp/1736292609 

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